Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Halo 3

I realize that this is a bit late, but I only played it recently so here we go.

There are a few words to describe this game e.g. o.k., good etc., the list is endless.
It is a good game although it his its downsides, like the fact that the campaign is much too short. Not only that, the levels near the start are too hard for the average gamer with his/her brain turned to liquid. Also, the AI is pure shit. If you order a soldier to drive your vehicle, he rams it straight into a wall and stares at it expecting it to move.

That isn't to say that it is bad. Its multiplayer mode is fantastic! Most people don't give a flying shit about multiplayer, but screw them!

All in all it is an o.k. game that,even if the first few levels kick your ass, it keeps you interested 'till the end


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