Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Guitar Hero III: Legends Of Rock

To start off, I just have to say, don't let the name fool you. GHIII:LOR is actually the 4th game in the series, also, it's called Legends Of Rock, but the only legend of rock in it is Slash (Guns 'n' Roses/Velvet Revolver)! So, now that that's out of the way, let's get on with it.

GHIII is basically the same game as the rest of them, exept this time the fucking retards had enough sense to include a Metallica song this time around, I'd have thought that they would have done that years ago. Although it's essentially the same game, some changes have been made. The developers have included a co-op mode which is fun at first, but there's no faster way to fall out with your friends.

As for the songs there's some good stuff, some shitty stuff(but hasn't that always been the case) and some stuff I've never heard of. Also, some boss fights have been included. There are only three, Tom Morello, Slash and the Devil.

Overall, a great game that you should probably rent first to test it out because there is a chance you would rather watch Fraiser on a T.V. the size of a contact lens at the bottom of the sea using your own severed finger as a joint.

If you'd rather do that than play this, you are a non-existant creature of myth.


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