Friday, April 18, 2008

Silent Hill: Origins

I know it's old news, but I have to say that this game is relentlessly shitty!!!!!!!

I liked Silent Hill up to now when a rediculously bad game was shat out in front of me. Just so you know, I never actually played the game, I saw a gameplay video on YouTube and that was enough to see how shitty it was. If this is a prequel to the 1st SH then I'm very fucking surprised because I'm sure that the stupidly slow monsters that sound like old men when you belt them one would have stayed there for the rest of the games. Weapons are pure horseshit as the guns are for some reason completely silent and melee weapons break way too fucking easily. There is none of the famous static on the radio to tell you about a monster nearby, and instead of the dodgy camera that made SH there is an over-the-shoulder view that makes it more like Resident Evil 4. It's actually very similar to RE4, but with one acception: RE4 was actually good!

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